Tardy and Skipping Consequences

Tardy and Skipping Consequences 

Attendance codes can be seen in skyward. 

“D”  - Tardy to Class
“M” -  Tardy to School
“B” - Absent Unexcused

Student will receive the following consequences at the following counts, per 9 weeks.


Tardies “D”:

3rd tardy = Lunch Detention 

6th tardy = 1 day Alternative Class

9th tardy = Referral and 2 days PASS

12th tardy = Referral and 3 days PASS


Absent unexcused “B”:

2 periods skipping = Lunch Detention

4 periods skipping = 1 day Alternative Class

7 periods skipping = Referral and 1 days PASS

10 periods skipping = Referral and 2 days PASS

13 periods skipping = Referral and 3 days PASS


Tardy to school “M”:

5th = Lunch Detention

8th = 1 day Alternative Class

11th = Referral and 1 day PASS

14th= Referral and 2 days PASS

17th = Referral and 3 days PASS